It is an essential requirement of life that cells interact with their local environment. Cells need to respond to diverse cues, be they physical interactions with neighboring cells or chemical interactions with the environment. MCB faculty take a wide variety of approaches to understand the broad scope of cell signaling and adaptation.

Area Directors
Area Directors help advise students about classes and rotations in their interest area. They also provide a listing of suggested courses for those interested in Cell Signaling & Cell/Environment Interactions.
Faculty Area Directors
- Sandra Bajjalieh, UW Pharmacology (
- Nic Lehrbach, Fred Hutch Basic Sciences (
Student Area Directors
- David Sokolov, Sullivan Lab (
- Kelsey Woodruff, Termini Lab (
Suggested Curriculum
The suggested curriculum outlined below is meant to guide you in choosing classes, they are not requirements. We highly encourage you to take the Foundational courses, while the Electives are more specialized and often cross between Areas of Interest. Remember to review the UW Time Schedule for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding whether a course is currently being offered.
2024-2025 Suggested Curriculum (document download)
CONJ 532 – Signal Transduction: From the Cell Membrane to the Nucleus
Intracellular signaling pathways leading from cell membrane receptors to nucleus. Pathways activated by seven transmembrane receptors and G-proteins, insulin/PI3 kinase, nitric oxide and WNTs and mechanisms of signal termination. Cytokine/Jak/Stat signaling and role of subcellular localization in signal transduction.
Offered AUT, 1.5 credits. Course not currently being offered
Signaling occurs in all cells. Because the field of cell signaling is relevant to all aspects of cell and molecular biology, students choosing this area of interest will usually find their work overlaps with at least one of the other areas of interest. Therefore, we advise students who choose this area to identify a secondary (minor) area of interest and include electives from that area in their course plans.
CONJ 531 – Signaling Mechanisms in Excitable Cells
Mechanisms of cellular signaling, particularly in nerve and muscle. Electrical, chemical, and mechanical signaling in the cell that led to processes such as electrical excitability, action potentials, and muscle contraction.
Note: this course only covers the first 5-weeks of a quarter-long course, NEURO504. If your main interest is in neurobiological research, we recommend enrolling in the full course (NEURO504).
Offered AUT, 1.5 credits. Course not currently being offered
MCB 529 – Cell Migration
Explores mechanisms of cell migration in vivo and in cell culture. Discusses the cell biology of different forms of cell migration, the extracellular cues that direct migration, and how these cues are integrated by the migrating cell.
Offered WIN, 1.5 credits, Course not currently being offered
MCB 539 – Biological Basis of Neoplasia
Introduces the major themes in research in the biology of neoplastic change. Covers principle molecular mechanisms responsible for tumor initiation and progression, with a specific emphasis on intracellular signaling, DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoints, and loss of normal tissue homeostasis. The latest state of the art research in Cancer Biology will be presented by invited scientists, experts in their relevant field. The discussion meetings will concentrate on selected major papers in cancer biology and be presented and discussed by the students with help and guidance of the instructors.
Offered SPR, 3.0 credits, Weeks 1-10, Will be offered in SPR 2026
NEURO 504 – Biophysics of Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse
Introduces biophysical properties of nerve and muscle cells. Topics include intrinsic electrical properties of neurons, ion channels, receptor signaling, calcium signaling, contraction of muscles, and synaptic function. Offered jointly with PBIO 504.
Course not currently being offered
PBIO 555 – Sensory Receptors
Five-lecture mini-course examines how different kinds of sensory receptors detect and respond to different modalities of sensory stimuli. Discussion focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the underlying transduction processes and the experimental evidence that they are based on.
Course not currently being offered
PHCOL 505 – Endocrine Pharmacology
Consideration of the pharmacology of endocrine systems including the hypothalamic/pituitary regulatory peptides, glycoprotein hormones/growth factors, peptide and steroid hormones. Lecture, group discussion, and analysis of recent research. Prerequisite(s): Organic chemistry, biochemistry, and introductory anatomy and physiology.
Offered SPR, 1.5 credits, Weeks 1-5. Course is not currently being offered
Understanding Signals

From interpreting signals at the plasma membrane, to transducing them through the cytoplasm, to responding to them in the nucleus and other key organelles, Seattle MCB faculty are leading the way to understand cell signaling and interactions. Seattle MCB students are on the cutting-edge using innovative approaches to explore the wide gamut of physiological processes involved in the integration of signals and the subsequent cellular responses.