Pushing the boundaries of genomic technology development, MCB faculty study the organization of genes into genomes and how these systems evolve, ranging from classic genetic and developmental models all the way to complex human diseases.

Area Directors
Area Directors help advise students about classes and rotations in their interest area. They also provide a listing of suggested courses for those interested in Genetics, Genomics & Evolution.
Faculty Area Directors
- Michael Metzger, PNRI (metzgerm@pnri.org)
- John Ray, BRI (jray@benaroyaresearch.org)
Student Area Directors
- Heather Borror, Subramaniam Lab (hborror@uw.edu)
- Sophie Kogut, Blanco-Melo Lab (skogut@uw.edu)
- Alexander Robertson, Feder Lab (alexrob@uw.edu)
Suggested Curriculum
The suggested curriculum outlined below is meant to guide you in choosing classes, they are not requirements. We highly encourage you to take the Foundational courses, while the Electives are more specialized and often cross between Areas of Interest. Remember to review the UW Time Schedule for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding whether a course is currently being offered.
2024-2025 Suggested Curriculum (document download)
GENOME 553 – Advanced Genetic Analysis
Explores genetic analysis as a powerful approach for dissecting complex biological processes. Discusses methods for selectively removing, adding, or altering specific proteins, to identify and order genes in a pathway, define protein function, determine tissue and temporal requirements for gene function, and distinguish among competing hypotheses to explain biological phenomena. Formerly called GENET 551. Prerequisite(s): GENOME 371, GENOME 551 or equivalent.
Capacity Limit: 20 (required for the 14 GS first-year students); that is, remaining slots will be available on first-come, first-served basis.
Offered SPR, 1.5 credits, Weeks 1-10. Course not currently being offered
GENOME 561 – Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution
Surveys recent literature to gain an understanding of the basic principles of molecular population genetics and evolution as applied to analysis of genome data. Requires some computer analysis of genome data.
Capacity Limit: 20 (required for the 12 GS first-year students); that is, remaining slots will be available on first-come, first-served basis.
Offered WIN, 1.5 credits, Weeks 1-5. Will be offered in WIN 2025
MCB 536 – Tools for Computational Biology
Introduction to established best practices in computational biology. Learn to organize unstructured data into standard formats, transform data for statistical analyses, and visualize the transformed data. Learn workflows for reproducible research such as version control, project organization, and code documentation. Gain basic experience with Linux command line tools and the Python and R programming languages. Classes will involve hands-on learning through coding exercises, collaborative problem solving, and extensive use of online learning resources.
Offered AUT, 3.0 credits, Weeks 1-10, every year. Will be offered in AUT 2025
CONJ 533 – Epigenetics and Epigenomics
Mechanisms of cellular memory mediated through nucleosomes, DNA-binding proteins, DNA and histone covalent modifications, and chromatin dynamics. This course is an updated version of the Dynamic Chromosome (CONJ 533 Autumn 2016 and earlier).
Offered AUT, 1.5 credits, Weeks 1-5, even years. Will be offered in AUT 2026
CONJ 537 – Mechanism Of Transcriptional Regulation
Biochemical mechanisms of gene transcription covering a broad range of transcriptional regulation, including mechanisms of transcriptional initiation, elongation, and termination. Regulation of transcription by chromatin. Includes a special lecture regarding regulation of transcription in cell growth and differentiation.
Offered AUT, 1.5 credits, Weeks 6-10, even years. Will be offered in AUT 2026
CONJ 557 – Microbial Evolution
Selected topics in microbial evolution including evidence for early life on Earth, molecular mechanisms of bacterial and viral evolution, speciation, adaptive niche differentiation, bioinformatics tools to detect selection, and evolution of the virulence and pandemic spread. Prerequisite(s): MICROM 412 or general microbiology background.
Offered SPR, 2.0 credits, Weeks 1-5. Course not currently being offered
GENOME 551 – Principles of Gene Regulation
Course covers fundamentals of gene regulation in eukaryotes including principles of cis and trans regulation of gene expression; DNA and RNA binding proteins; role of chromatin structure in gene expression; epigenetic regulatory mechanisms; RNA-based regulatory mechanisms; and post-transcriptional regulation. The course centers on reading and discussion of landmark primary literature in the aforementioned areas.
Capacity Limit: 29 (required for the 14 GS first-year students); that is, remaining slots will be available on first-come, first-served basis.
Offered WIN, 1.5 credits, Weeks 6-10. Will be offered in WIN 2025
GENOME 552 – Technologies For Genome Analysis
Introduces students to the nature of genomes, the structure of chromosomes, the organization of sequences, and the diversity of these features in different species. Discusses current and newly emerging technologies for mapping and sequencing genomes, determining linkage of simple and complex disorders, and identifying variations in DNA.
Capacity Limit: 17 (required for the 14 GS first-year students); that is, remaining slots will be available on first-come, first-served basis. Contact course instructor and state your interest.
Offered AUT, 1.5 credits, Weeks 6-10
GENOME 559 – Introduction To Statistical And Computational Genomics
Rudiments of statistical and computational genomics. Emphasis on basic probability and statistics, introduction to computer programming, and relevant web databases.
Capacity Limit: 20 (only taken by GS first-year students if they have no prior programming experience)
Offered WIN, 3.0 credits, Weeks 1-10. Will be offered in WIN 2025
GENOME 562 – Population Genetics
Mathematical and experimental approaches to the genetics of natural populations, especially as they relate to evolution. Emphasis on theoretical population genetics.
Capacity Limit: 20 (Not required for GS students, but popular with Bio students)
Offered WIN, 4.0 credits, Weeks 1-10, odd years. Will be offered in WIN 2025
GENOME 565 – Advanced Human Genetics
The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge and tools most useful for successful research in human genomics. Components of the course are: gene discovery and molecular function; genomic architecture; cancer genetics; and human diversity and evolution. The course meets winter quarter, with three lectures per week by the instructors and weekly section meetings. Multiple problem sets are based on real data.
Prerequisite(s): College-level genetics course (GENOME 361 or 371); for genetics courses taken elsewhere, please ask the instructors. The class typically includes about 60 students, including both undergraduate and graduate students.
Capacity Limit: 20 (the graduate version of the course does not usually fill up – there is a combined total enrollment of 80)
Offered WIN, 4.0 credits, Weeks 1-10. Will be offered in WIN 2025
GENOME 569 – Bioinformatics Workflows for High-Throughput Sequencing Experiments
Programming skills and software tools for building automated bioinformatics pipelines and computational biology analyses. Emphasis on UNIX tools and R libraries for distilling raw sequencing data into interpretable results. For students familiar with UNIX and with some programming experience in Python, R, or C/C++.
Capacity Limit: 15 (not required of GS students but gets considerable interest)
Offered SPR, 1.5 credits, Weeks 1-5. Course not currently being offered
Translating genomes

From understanding the genetic basis of familial breast cancer risk to understanding the genetic conflicts between host and pathogen genomes, MCB Seattle faculty push the boundaries of understanding all aspects of genome biology. The University of Washington ranks #7 in Molecular Biology and Genetics graduate studies according to US News and World Report.