Biomedical Research Integrity Seminar Series (BRI)

The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) requires all pre- and post-doctoral researchers support by PHS training grants receive training in the responsible conduct of research. UW and Fred Hutch developed this program to meet the PHS requirement.

All MCB students are required to attend 8 hours of training by the end of the Year 2.  There will be two training sessions offered annually, one at UW (early September) and one at Fred Hutch (mid-March). MCB students may attend at either institution. You can attend all 8 hours of training in a single day or split them between the two dates.

Registering for lectures

Register for lectures at UW or Fred Hutch through the UW BRI site with the following MyBRI account registration information:

Department Molecular & Cellular Biology
Title Predoc Research Assoc
Box Number (UW based students) Permanent Lab’s Box Number
Box Number (FH based students) 357275
Type of Trainee UW School of Medicine
UW School or College or Affiliated Org School of Medicine
PI First Name Celeste
PI Last Name Berg
Title of Grant Molecular & Cellular Biology
What is your position on the grant/department? Graduate Student (non-trainee)

After you’ve established your MyBRI account, you can register for lectures.

Registering for discussions

  • UW discussions – Register for discussions in the same section as UW lectures at UW BRI site.
  • Fred Hutch discussions – Register for Fred Hutch discussions through CenterNet.
    • You will need a HutchNet ID to register for Fred Hutch discussion sections. Email Maia if you do not have a HutchNet ID.

Receiving credit

Fill out the attendance form at each lecture or discussion (UW or Fred Hutch) to receive credit.

Attendance records

Attendance will be reported to UW’s MyResearch Portal and Fred Hutch’s Hutch Learning. In addition, each trainee will receive attendance confirmations via email.