Annual Committee Meeting

All MCB students are required to hold at least one Committee Meeting (60-90 minutes) by the last day of Spring Quarter every year starting in Year 2. The meeting is an opportunity for the committee to guide, assist and evaluate progress toward a doctoral degree. The General Exam does not replace a Committee Meeting.

Year-Specific Meeting Objectives

  1. First committee meeting (Year 2 for MCB, Year 1 for MSTP)
    1. Evaluate if research plan is sufficient for a General Exam
  2. Second committee meeting (Year 3 for MCB, Year 2 for MSTP)
    1. Evaluate if project still viable for a PhD based on experimental progress (ideas are no longer as relevant as results)
  3. Third committee meeting (Year 4 for MCB, Year 3 for MSTP)
    1. Evaluate progress toward papers
    2. Presentation of figures and paper outline(s) for feedback
  4. Fourth committee meeting and beyond
    1. Evaluate progress toward papers and dissertation

Meeting Requirements

This requirement applies beginning in Year 2 for MCB students and Year 1 for MSTP students.

At least one week prior to your Supervisory Committee meeting, you must provide your committee with a one-page summary of your accomplishments since the last Supervisory Committee meeting.

Your presentation to your Supervisory Committee must include:
1) A one-page summary of research accomplishments since the last Supervisory Committee Meeting (or since joining the lab if this is the first meeting).
2) A copy of an updated IDP.
3) A copy of the Committee Meeting Guidelines.
4) Any meeting abstracts or publications accepted and grants awarded since the last Supervisory Committee Meeting.

To help in the evaluation process, the Advisor and Supervisory Committee fill out the Annual Committee report after the meeting to summarize the consensus of the Supervisory Committee concerning your Academic/Research Progress and Recommendations. The report allows the Advisor and Supervisory Committee members to provide comments on your strengths and areas that need improvement. This will also help us understand the reasoning behind the option chosen.

The form should be signed by you, your Advisor, and all Supervisory Committee members present at the meeting.

Submit the following within one week after your Committee Meeting:
~ Annual Doctoral Supervisory Committee Meeting Report (signed by Committee and student)
~ One-page research summary
~ Updated IDP
~ List of publications

Annual Committee Documents Upload Site

Progress Outcome Options

There are three options for overall evaluation on the Annual Supervisory Committee Report. These options will help give you context for comments you’ll receive after the Supervisory Committee meeting.

MCB Academic Alert (formerly known as Academic Probation) occurs when Subpar Expectations are met.

Most of you will meet this first option. This option shows that you are meeting or exceeding research and academic milestones and are on track to graduate in 5-6 years.

Some of you may face this second option. This option indicates that you have made partial advances toward previously expected goals, but the committee has concerns about your progress toward passing your general exam or graduation. This option requires an additional Supervisory Committee meeting in a time frame determined by the committee, preferably within six months of the last meeting.

We anticipate very few of you will encounter this 3rd option, but this helps alert us to serious problems as they arise and we want to do our best to help you remedy them. If progress is subpar, you will be placed on MCB Academic Alert as of the current date of the last Supervisory Committee meeting.

Academic Alert steps:
1) MCB Academic Alert (internal, one quarter)
2) Graduate School Academic Alert (official, one quarter)
3) Final Graduate School Academic Alert (official, one quarter, last chance)

Academic Alert is the mechanism by which the Supervisory Committee can communicate serious concerns about your ability to achieve a timely PhD in MCB, within the 5-6 year time frame. The first step, MCB Academic Alert, will not appear on your transcript.

If you are put on MCB Academic Alert, it is essential that the Advisor and Supervisory Committee work with you to provide specific recommendations and short-term milestones so you have a chance to exit Academic Alert by the following quarter. If you meet these requirements in the following quarter, MCB Academic Alert will be removed.

If you do not meet the milestones, you’ll be placed on Graduate School Academic Alert, which is reported to the Graduate School. It will appear on your transcript. After placing you on Graduate School Academic Alert, the Supervisory Committee must again provide specific recommendations and milestones for you to complete in order to have probation removed.

If you do not meet the Graduate School Academic Alert requirements defined by the Supervisory Committee, the MCB Co-Directors will recommend you go on Final Graduate School Academic Alert, which is also reported to the Graduate School. Once Final Graduate School Academic Alert is activated, you will have one last quarter to demonstrate sufficient progress before dismissal from the MCB Program and UW.

Academic Alert is a serious step, but it can speed resolution of the issue in whichever direction is best for the you, your Advisor, and the MCB Program.

Related Documents

Related Tasks

Task Deadline
Meet with faculty advisor to formulate or update Individual Development Plan (IDP) By last day of winter quarter of every year starting Year 2 (MCB) or Year 1 (MSTP)
Contact committee members to schedule Annual Committee Meeting

~ Three members of the committee (including the Chair) must attend.
~ The GSR is encouraged but not required to attend.
~ Use polling software (whenisgood) to schedule committee meetings.
> First ask committee members for unavailable dates (e.g. travel, clinical service, etc) and any standing meeting time conflicts they have during your desired data range to develop effective schedule poll.

By last day of winter quarter of every year starting Year 2 (MCB) or Year 1 (MSTP)
Email Maia with your committee meeting date and time By last day of winter quarter of every year starting Year 2 (MCB) or Year 1 (MSTP)
Hold Annual Committee Meeting By last day of spring quarter of every year starting Year 2 (MCB) or Year 1 (MSTP)
Complete and submit Annual Committee Documents By last day of spring quarter of every year starting Year 2 (MCB) or Year 1 (MSTP)